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Why START Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria – 10 Expert Answers

With no money, you can start an affiliate marketing business in Nigeria and become a millionaire in a month…

I heard you don’t need to start affiliate marketing in Nigeria with any kind of investment…

I joined an affiliate marketing platform and I have made just one sale… in … 6 months😭😭

Yada Yada Yada…

You’re welcome to this platform and thank you for stopping by.

This website is all about informing you of several opportunities to increase your income and live a better lifestyle.

So if that gets you excited, don’t miss out “HOT MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES” as soon as we hit the publish button.

In this short article (you may perceive it as a long article, depending on how much information you need)…

You will discover 10 stunning reasons why you need to start an affiliate marketing business in Nigeria. 

Additionally, you will learn if affiliate marketing business is a good fit for you.

Perhaps you can also choose from OTHER MEANS to start making money online RIGHT NOW

There’s no doubt you’ve heard that affiliate marketing is paying better than your account manager these days. 

OH yes!

That is no lie…

People are making hundreds, thousands, and even millions of naira on monthly basis doing just affiliate marketing.


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Of course, there are several ways to make money online yet affiliate marketing is slowly topping the charts for some reasons you will find out in this article.

It is lucrative and sweet to start an affiliate marketing business in Nigeria, but it isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting out.

However, It’s the same story for every business out there…

Consistently is the key; and once you’ve reached a certain level, you’ll realize you’ve created a system that passively pays your bills.

If you’re looking to get into affiliate marketing in Nigeria, and you’re not sure as to what the benefits of doing so might be.

In this article, I will share with you the 10 benefits of starting an affiliate marketing business in Nigeria.

Before we drive into more details…

Let’s break down some simple terms popularly used in the affiliate marketing business in Nigeria.

What is Affiliate Marketing: This is the strategy of marketing someone else’s products or services and then earning a commission after you make sales.

What are Affiliate Programs or Affiliate Platforms: These are platforms that pay affiliate marketers for every sale they generate using their affiliate links

What are Affiliate links (Aff. links):

This is a specific Url or code that contains the affiliate’s ID or username. This link tracks each sale coming from a specific marketer.

Now let’s continue with the benefits of doing affiliate marketing in Nigeria and other African countries


  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria is COST EFFECTIVE

Affiliate marketing is the best business model you can start right now without investment if you know how to convince people to purchase with your aff. link

The cost of creating products, including packaging, will not be necessary.

Simply recommend kinds of stuff that your audience or followers will like and earn commissions from every sale

The rate of unemployment in Africa is very high, as reports say that “a third of Nigerians are unemployed.

In spite of having a job or hoping you’ll get one soon, you can start an affiliate marketing business right now with little or no money invested.

Building good relationships on Social media platforms and online forums can help you generate sales without spending a dime on promotions.



  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria GUARANTEES HIGH ROI

It is guaranteed that you’ll get more than you invest for every affiliate marketing tool you use to help drive traffic to your affiliate links.

At, for example, we invested in marketing tools such as a website, eMail marketing tool, Whatsapp bulk sender software, etc.

And of course, the total investment on this platform won’t be compared with the conversation in sales yearly.

Affiliate marketing has been proven to have a much higher return on investment than the majority of marketing strategies.

It is essential you’re recommending the right products to the right audience for the best conversion.




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  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria is an EVERGREEN BUSINESS

The affiliate marketing industry has existed for a long time now and will always be around…

Affiliate marketing is a mega money-spinner, a $12 billion industry.

That’s really huge…

In fact, a lot of brands are initiating affiliate marketing into their business due to how quickly it expands business and brings in sales consistently.

When you checkout top-visited marketplace globally, you will verify that “ALL” of these brands makes use of an affiliate marketing system

So again, that’s just to prove that affiliate marketing is well and truly alive.

This also means, if you own or manage a business, try to integrate affiliate marketing systems and watch your brand skyrocket like mad…

If the commissions are LEGIT and great, internet marketers like “US” will make your brand go viral with “Reviews”

Haha, try it…




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  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria has NO AGE LIMIT

There is no age limit on most Affiliate marketing platforms.

Anyone who is able to operate modern devices, create content, or attract a good audience can do affiliate marketing business. 

Instagram is a great place to find young influencers earning massive amounts through affiliate marketing.

The dancers tend to promote products such as clothing, shoes, cosmetics…

It’s amazing how comedians can promote just about anything…

Even dogs are marketing on Instagram 🙄



  1. Affiliate Marketers are NEEDED BY ALL BRANDS

There is almost no way for any brand to reject your offer to bring them customers and to be compensated for promoting their business.

Unless the brand already has too many customers to handle or they don’t have enough products at the moment, they will always be open for affiliate offers.

Expanding and making sales is the primary desire of every business, so they will welcome any effective sales strategy.



  1. Affiliate Marketing Business is PERFECT FOR INFLUENCERS

Influencers are content creators, so they focus on delivering quality content for their followers.

You’ll find that many influencers use personal testimonials, product testing, etc to talk about a brand they are promoting.

Followers of these influencers can see how these products are used, how it might benefit them, and decide to take action with the influencer’s referral link.

Below is Calistus of Yawaskit promoting his 1xbet affiliate link at the end of his video



  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria CAN’T BE AD-BLOCKED

Unlike other advertising mediums, such as Google AdSense, etc. links and advertising through affiliates can’t be blocked by ad blockers

Promoting your links using video content, blog articles and even audio can’t be affected by the ever-increasing use of ad blockers on browsing devices.


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  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria CAN THRIVE FROM HOME

Affiliate marketing is one of those businesses you can do perfectly from home without the need for an office.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and its “Lockdown,” we began to see the possibilities of working from home. 

It doesn’t matter where you work, what matters is that you’re “working” and providing value that attracts income.

Additionally, jobs that allow you to work from home… such as affiliate marketing, freelancing, and other remotes jobs come with the following benefits:

* Save money from renting and maintaining an office space
* More flexibility; work at any moment you wish, even at night
* Custom working environment
* More time with loved ones
* Perfect for mums
* No crowds, standing in traffic, or other annoying things to distract you.



  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria CREATES PASSIVE INCOME

MTN SME cost in Nigeria


You know how they say it –


That simply means smart people put systems in place to earn passively.

That’s the real deal, right there

You can create a passive income stream with an Affiliate marketing business in Nigeria or wherever you live in Africa.

A lot of Africans are making cool money online in foreign currencies doing affiliate marketing business.

If you implement the right strategies, use the right tools, you will discover that the opportunities in affiliate marketing are endless.

Check this out…

A number of popular websites—Jumia, Amazon, Fiverr, Uber, Wpbeginner, etc—are owned by multi-millionaires that earn money through affiliate marketing business model.

The company simply created a marketplace where businesses and brands could publish their products…

For every visitor that buys or converts from their online marketplace, they earn commissions in percentages.

These platforms have grown to attract (traffic) millions of visitors every month and they earn commissions from every sale.

The visitors to these platforms make purchases every minute of the day, morning, afternoon, evening, and midnight.

That’s some awesome passive income right there…

Affiliate marketing business in Nigeria is just one of the perfect ways to create a passive income stream for yourself

As a matter of fact, I created this platform after reading a book.

The information in this book opened my eyes to money-making opportunities that we overlook on a daily basis.

If you would like to become the type of person that consistently attracts money and financial abundance into their life, then you need to get this book as soon as possible.

The book is called “LIVE BREATHING CASH MACHINE” and it is written by Toyin Omotoso

After reading this book, I am confident you’ll develop a mindset that sees opportunities and ideas to attract money consistently.

You can get the book “Live Breathing Cash Machine” at a DISCOUNT HERE



  1. Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria WITH NO WEBSITE

Operating a website or blog is the most surefire way to succeed at affiliate marketing, yet you can flourish in the affiliate marketer business in Nigeria without them.

The key to affiliate marketing is knowing how to send targets to an affiliate vendor’s site, and that can be accomplished in a number of ways.

You will be able to make sales on your referral links as long as you know how to get those clicks.

Are you interested in starting an affiliate marketing business in Nigeria without acquiring a website and also without having to maintain one?…

Below are the best strategies to make money online without a website.

  1. Social Media Affiliate Marketing;

How active are you on social media platforms?

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Do you have friends and followers? you might have a monetizable audience ready to click on the affiliate links you posted.

Be it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, etc.
The key is to provide value with posts that will have an impact on your audience and inspire them to click.

Above all, make sure your social media posts contain useful content and make use of visual elements such as nice images to attract readers.

Posting meaningful content and earning your audience trust is very vital

Once you have started attracting a loyal audience and engagements you can start recommending affiliated programs

Your activities on Facebook groups and the use of Instagram hashtags can influence your growth immensely.

The downside to this strategy is that your post might be limited to your profile friends and followers…

… or your post might get lost among the thousands of posts that are uploaded every second to social media platforms.


  1. YouTube Affiliate Marketing:

YouTube is one of the most effective platforms to start affiliate marketing without a website.

YouTube as a Free platform to upload video content is owned by the “Big G” – Google.

YouTube’s algorithm is so stunning as your promotion videos can show up on Google search engines within minutes after publishing.

All you have to do is sign up on YouTube, create your channel, and upload videos promoting affiliate programs.

As long as the videos you post are informative, useful, and creative, you should have no trouble achieving success as a YouTube affiliate marketer.

Just make sure your videos are relevant to the products or services you’re promoting, and place your links in the description section.

There are several ways you can make a lot of money on YouTube.

Affiliate marketing is just one of the several methods to earn on YouTube.

Will you like to create a passive income business on YouTube, it is best if you learn from experts who are already EARNING A LOT OF DOLLARS ON YouTube.

YouTube Expert, Dr. Malik teaches Africans how to use YouTube to expand businesses, grow massive followers and generate high-paying passive income.

Dr. Malik is no ordinary person, he has worked with a number of famous figures including John Obidi, Paul Nobiz, and Ronald Nzimora among others.

He created an online course where he coaches aspiring vloggers on how to turn a YouTube channel into Money Generating Machine

Even if you’re camera-shy, you have zero knowledge about how YouTube works or you have just a smartphone.

His coaching and mentorship is ALL YOU NEED, to become a successful YouTuber
Learn how to start and optimize your YouTube channel with Dr. Malik’s course here.


  1. Whatsapp Affiliate Marketing:

If you compare email with WhatsApp, email has a 56% open rate and a 10% response rate, whereas WhatsApp has a 99% open rate and a 40% response rate — that’s amazing!

This explains why the use of Whatsapp is becoming popular these days especially in Africa.

According to Smatbot, Whatsapp marketing will soon overtake, Email and SMS marketing.

With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Whatsapp is gradually becoming the best marketing software for businesses

With “Whatsapp for Business”, Mark Zuckerberg announced amazing features enabling businesses to interact more quickly and automatically with their customers.

It is to support businesses that are interested in taking advantage of Whatsapp’s marketing potential.

A lot of Expert Affiliate marketers in Nigeria make use of Whatsapp to generate great income on monthly basis.

Yet to master the act of profitable affiliate marketing with WhatsApp, you need to acquire the right information to start the right way.

Speaking of acquiring the right Whatsapp marketing strategies, below is the BESTEST affiliate marketing course in Nigeria.



Any business can be started and succeed much more quickly if it is modeled after the experts in the same field.

Throughout the years, these experts and coaches have experienced the ups and downs of your business, UNTIL they became very successful themselves.

They know “what works” and “what doesn’t work”… They know the shortcuts to quick success…

Mentorship will provide you with enormous value when compared with doing it alone.

This is to avoid mistakes, avoid wasting time and money unnecessarily and focus on achieving your goals straight up.

When it comes to the affiliate marketing business in Nigeria, Joshua Mba is the best coach and Mentor you will ever need to succeed quickly.

Joshua Mba is a guru when you’re talking about the internet and affiliate marketing.

My skills as a marketer might be as good as Joshua’s, but I’m still a student under him. 

Joshua has a powerful affiliate marketing course in Nigeria where he reveals EVERYTHING on generating earn in dollars as an affiliate marketer as fast as possible.

Not just that… Toyin unveiled a technique to use Whatsapp to legally generate as much as N750k a Month – No Capital Needed.

Its Time to listen to Joshua Mba

Watch this Video Right Here…



Do you have any questions regarding How to start a profitable affiliate marketing business in Nigeria

I will be glad to answer your questions, 
kindly drop it on the comment section below or send inquiries on this number:

+2347018470195 *(STRICTLY WHATSAPP ONLY)

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