You are currently viewing 10 TOP Ways to Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria ($750 Per week)

10 TOP Ways to Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria ($750 Per week)


Have you ever wanted to Earn Dollars for Blogging in Nigeria? 

Today you’ll discover 10 secrets on how to earn over $500 Per week as a Nigerian blogger in 2022 and beyond. 


Blogging is a low-cost business venture with the potential to generate thousands of dollars every month as a blogger in Nigeria.

With over 10 revenue sources employed by seasoned bloggers who make a living solely from their websites, this content explains how to earn dollar blogging in Nigeria.


How Many Dollars Do Nigerian bloggers Earn Per Month?

Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria

Blogging in Nigeria has nearly endless possibilities. 


Bloggers with a solid following, like Ryan Robinson, who publishes on his site about blogging, may earn up to $30,000 per month. 

Just two years after starting his blog as a side gig in 2019, another blogger named Adam Enfroy made $1.5 million from it. 

He did this by blogging about his business.


Linda Ikeji who is the richest blogger in Nigeria earns about $80,000 (estimate) per month from her adverts on Linda’s blog with over $40m net worth. 


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Bloggers may make money on more than simply monthly income. 

Many of the blogs listed for sale on marketplaces like Flippa carry high 6-figure price tags. 

When their creative effort is bought, bloggers profit.


Sadly, not every blogger can generate millions of dollars from their blog. 

Your blog’s potential for income is influenced by two things – Your specialty and your methods for generating monetization

But right here, you will learn 10 secrets successful bloggers use to earn dollars in Nigeria, So “you sef fit dey buga”

More on that later…. 



Most individuals who start blogging do so as a side business in the expectation of eventually leaving their day job as time progresses… 


The time it takes to make a significant revenue, however, differs from blogger to blogger.

Despite being just a few months old, this site already generates a sizable amount of income:


This brand StartEarningDollars™ was launched in August 2021. 

Then it took a couple of months to publish our first 5 articles,, 

Then almost a year to optimize the site, get the brandings correct, assemble a team, and get much more serious. 

We were able to make money from the site within a month or two even before we published the first article… 


But then, right now… with consistency, good branding, and marketing strategies in place… 

We have experienced a spike in our website traffic, better engagement, and of course great sales

Now let’s get down to business… 



Are you looking for a creative side business to earn higher, especially in foreign currencies? 

Here are 10 secrets successful bloggers use to earn dollars in Nigeria, whether you’re establishing a new blog or expanding an existing one.


  1. Earn dollars blogging in Nigeria – PICK A LUCRATIVE NICHE 

Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria


When you blog about highly valuable products and services, you will eventually make more money than someone blogging about less expensive products

“Quality and competence come first before monetization if you want to stand out, “explains Mushfiq, the man behind The Website Flip. 


From business software to pet accessories, you may discover Nigerian bloggers generating dollars in a wide range of industries. 


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However, not all niches are worthwhile.


A prosperous blog niche satisfies three requirements.

It’s something you’re good at, interested in, or both: 

For blogs to grow a following and start earning dollars, they must continuously produce a ton of high-quality material. 

Blogging about something you truly care about will not only be more pleasant, but it will also enhance your chances of making more money online in Nigeria.


low level of rivalry:

Investigate if others are generating money in your industry including popular blogs, brands, or forums. 

Similarly, run a Google search to determine how tough it is to rank keywords. 


However, If well-known companies in Nigeria (with even larger marketing costs) are monopolizing the top page of search results, it will be more difficult to get organic visitors.



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Potential for profit:

Consider the monetization potential for each market on your shortlist. 

Do companies pay highly to have their product advertised on blogs similar to yours? 

Do a lot of affiliate networks sell products in that sector? 

If the niche does not have great income potential or the competition is so fierce, – then that is a red flag to avoid. 


  1. Earn dollars blogging in Nigeria by creating an email list

You need devoted readers who appreciate your advice if you want to generate dollars from your site in Nigeria.


Building an email list for your own blog is one of the finest methods to do this in Nigeria. 

When a reader chooses to receive communications from your site, you have their consent to contact them in their inbox, which is the most hallowed area of all.

“For me, email marketing is the sales channel with the highest profit margin for earning dollars as a blogger in Nigeria. 

I no longer even try to sell through other channels directly; 

Instead, I occasionally send individuals to my email list via social media, partnerships, and SEO contents

By using a pop-up window, you encourage blog readers to join your mailing list. 

The objective is to get new visitors to choose to hear from you by offering them an incentive, such as:

  • No cost checklists
  • Resources or suggested products lists
  • Content from a blog bundled as a PDF (such as printable recipes)
  • Free video training etc.


After they sign up, keep building your connection with them by providing them with exciting or informative information. 

You’ll develop a customer base that is eager to purchase dollar-paying products you suggest, by doing so, you can earn dollars blogging in Nigeria


The majority of prosperous bloggers monetize using affiliates and products, and neither of those sources converts without considerable preparation. 

Simply sell the product you wish to sell by writing and publishing content about that product.


  1. Earn dollars blogging in Nigeria by Post Paid Product Evaluations 

Every big company wants social evidence to convince buyers that their products are worthwhile investments. 

You can write to these companies to sponsor a review on your blog by getting in touch with them. 


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Some brands can pay you good money in dollars to write reviews about their products and pay you for your promotional services

This blog monetization strategy practically costs nothing, but make sure to keep your blogs out of trouble by – Stating whether or not you were paid to write the review and Being truthful. 


  1. Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria by Marketing Advert spots

Bloggers in Nigeria also earn dollars by displaying advertisements on their blogs. 

There are two ways to develop this revenue source for your blogs in Nigeria:


Deal with businesses one by one:

Find businesses in your area and inquire about their interest in placing an advertisement on your website. 

It takes more time and requires great negotiation abilities, but if done effectively, you can earn more dollars right here in Nigeria.


Make use of ad networks:

MTN SME cost in Nigeria


Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria


Do you like to take a backseat? 

The paying of advertisers is handled via platforms like Google AdSense, Mediavine, and AdThrive that claim space on your blog. 

When you put their code on your website, you’ll be paid to display ads.


Display ads are one the most successful ways bloggers earn dollars in Nigeria, as advertisements continue to bring in money each month.

You’ll make more money by exposing more people to the advertisements on your blogs in Nigeria.

Some site visitors find them annoying, but if you offer something of value and make good use of them, most users seldom even notice the ads.


  1. Earn dollars blogging in Nigeria with affiliate marketing

Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria


The act of introducing good products and earning commission from readers of your site is known as affiliate marketing. 


To earn in dollars as a blogger in Nigeria, you have to promote affiliate programs that pay in dollars

When people use your unique link to buy the products, you’ll definitely earn good commissions 

Given that the information you share will already influence their purchasing decisions, it’s a fantastic revenue opportunity for bloggers in Nigeria. 


You can increase the know, like, and trust factors necessary to close sales by making your blog a hub for educational content.

You don’t have to make your own products, which is one of the benefits of affiliate marketing. 

Join an established affiliate network and work as a virtual salesperson for them. 

You don’t have to bother about creating marketing, sending out products, or handling customer support.


When you join an affiliate marketing network like ShareASale, AWIN, or ClickBank, Selar, Learnofflix, you can earn dollars in Nigeria blogging and vlogging about their products. 

The dashboard allows you to search for programs in your sector, submit an application to join them, create unique links, and monitor your affiliate earnings.

You might also look for high-ticket affiliate programs from companies that sell pricey products like software, jewelry, gadgets, etc. 

When bloggers direct users to those products, they have a high chance to earn dollars in Nigeria every month. 


  1. Earn dollars blogging in Nigeria by Offering Services 

As your following grows, more people will naturally identify your name with the blog topics you write about in Nigeria. 

That’s a fantastic method to establish authority, which is something a company that will want to partner with you wants.

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Here are some examples of services in Nigeria you might offer in addition to your blogging services:


Start attracting new customers in Nigeria by promoting your service through your blog,,, 

Whether it be a stand-alone landing page or a display advertisement in your sidebar.


  1. Earn dollars in Nigeria by Marketing Digital Products 

Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria

Selling digital products in addition to your blog is a more scalable approach to earning dollars in Nigeria 

So learn what digital products your audience would love to purchase in Nigeria. 


The solutions may reveal concepts you may package and market as:

  • Printables
  • Ebooks 
  • Workbooks
  • Online courses etc. 


When you launch your product, it doesn’t have to be the finest thing ever; 

It just needs to be something your audience would find really valuable and be willing to pay for.

Selling your own product is fantastic since you can tweak it in response to customer feedback and you won’t have to worry about affiliate programs being terminated or an increase in ad blockers.


  1. Earn dollars in Nigeria by Marketing Tangible Products 

By selling tangible products, you can also earn dollars from your blog in Nigeria.


When products are produced in volume, there is no extra inventory, no storage fees, and no significant upfront expenditures.

Use a platform like Printful or Printify to make personalized products like:

  • T-shirts
  • posters
  • stickers
  • mugs
  • Trash bags
  • Phone holsters
  • Wall Frames


  1. Earning Dollars Blogging in Nigeria by establishing a membership group.

Give your most dedicated readers a special experience for which they must pay a little cost.


This kind of community is crucial to social connection, which is crucial in a world that is increasingly centered online. 


Communities have been shown to enhance mental health, and 52% of web visitors will spend more on brands (or blogs) that share good values.

If you want a consistent revenue stream for your blogging efforts in Nigeria, create a membership program. 

You can provide MEMBERS-ONLY access to manuals, courses, and discounts to exclusive content. 

Decide whether to charge membership dues on a monthly or annual basis. 

Offer a slight discount to customers who pay annually. 

This provides you with a significant revenue infusion you can utilize to produce new content and products for members in Nigeria.


  1. Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria by  creating a podcast and securing fundings

Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria

Podcasts are another alternative format used by bloggers in Nigeria to earn dollars.


Just like YouTubers, Podcasters create contents that can be listened to any time and for a lifetime

As a matter of fact… 

Studies show that 53% of listeners will search online for more information after hearing about a product through podcast sponsorships. 

Another 35% will spark a conversation with a friend about the item in question.


These two points make podcasting an attractive proposition for bloggers looking to expand their reach online

Capitalize on your audience’s attention by producing your own podcast that attracts foreign audiences.

Record yourself discussing a subject related to your area of expertise, then upload each episode to a streaming service like Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Just know this… 

Building a relationship with a new audience via podcasting as a Nigerian blogger can take some time. 


You’ll also need equipment, such as a high-quality microphone and editing software, to produce the podcast itself.

But if you do it well, your blogging brand can trigger another significant source of income.



Your location as a blogger or a website content creator doesn’t matter. 

The internet has made the world a global village… 


You can be in your country and develop a blog ranking highly on Google for services made in another country 

Nevertheless, the process of starting a blog business is not straightforward. 

Your relationship with your audience and the content formats you’re producing will all influence which revenue stream is most effective. 

Focus first on building great content and a loyal readership, and then experiment with the monetization tactics discussed above… 


Just in case you want a shortcut to success on how to earn dollars blogging in Nigeria or any part of the world… 

Check out how Mr. David generated $214,917.64 with his blog as an Affiliate Marketer 

It’s so crazy, check it out, guys… 



How do new Nigerian bloggers monetize their websites?

Display advertising is the quickest method of earning dollars from a blog in Nigeria.

You don’t need specialized skills to rent an ad space on your blog to Google AdSense – you’ll earn dollars for every 1,000 website visitors that see the adverts.


Do you need experience to be a blogger in Nigeria?

You don’t need any professional experience to earn dollars blogging in Nigeria. 

You’re in total control over your website, which provides you the opportunity to grow your digital marketing abilities via trial and error.

To avoid wasting too much time, I advise you to get mentored by someone who has achieved what you dream to achieve. 


How can I blog for $100 per month in Nigeria?

The best approach to earn your first $100 online in Nigeria is by blogging about in-demand products and services


Start by identifying a successful topic, developing an email list, and suggesting products you’re an affiliate for. 

You will make hundreds of dollars every month if people purchase through your advice as a blogger in Nigeria.


What kind of blogs generate dollars in Nigeria?

High-paying blogs all share a close connection with their readership. 

Your chances of earning dollars from blogging in Nigeria increase as more readers follow your advice and visit your blog.


We will soon publish about the best niches to write about as a blogger looking to earn in dollars



In this content, you have seen how it is great for Nigerian bloggers to establish a new blog or expand an existing blog to earn dollars by using the 10 Ultimate guides mentioned above.

Thanks for going through this post, I appreciate your time and attentiveness.


Now is your turn to contribute… 

If you’re already a blogger, tell us what ways you have been using to earn dollars in your country


Do you have a blogging website?

Do you use an Ads display network?

Do you make use of affiliate links? etc… 

Let us know in the comment section below… you might make a good friend here 😉




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