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Winning Ticket to Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023


There are several opportunities to make money online in Nigeria in 2023. 

Everything is dependent on the talents you have.

Some people can sell products, while others can write, and still, others can do both. 


There will be always methods to make money online in Nigeria in 2023, regardless of your skill set.

You’re not required to start from scratch. 

As you get more adept at your skill, you may begin small and work your way up.


In this content, you will get answers to questions like… 


Please be free to bookmark this page as we will be always updating you on stunning ways to make money online in Nigeria in 2023



Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars



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This is a simple question, and the best answer is “Anyone


Anyone in Nigeria who has access to the internet and a computer can work from home.

Your values, your skills, or what you have can provide monetizable answers to people


You might be able to take advantage of your abilities in the;

  • Content writing
  • Graphic design
  • Websites construction
  • Coding
  • SEO
  • Social media management
  • Content marketing
  • And other areas to make money online in Nigeria


Just know this…

If you can read and write,, 

Then you have everything it takes to make cool cash online in Nigeria in 2023. 


You may create and build a profession you are proud of if you acquire digital skills.

And guess what?

The good news is that you can learn a majority of these skills online and in your own comfort right here in Nigeria 

So, whether you already have talent or digital skills or not, you are covered by this article.


Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 – THE BENEFITS 

There are myriad of reasons why you ought to think about working online in Nigeria as an additional source of making money.


You may dedicate a few hours a week to making extra money online, while still working on your 9 to 5 jobs

This requires little to no startup money. 

If you have a computer or smartphone and an internet connection, this guide is published for you 



The following are quick ways to make money online even  in Nigeria as a student


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Starting a Niche Blog 

Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023


One of the simplest methods to make money online in Nigeria right now is through blogging.

A unique aspect of blogging, in contrast to many other occupations

Is that you may blog successfully from the comfort of your home without having to invest money in an office.


Do you know that blogging is a highly appealing and trustworthy way to make money online passively

Yes, blogging is a highly lucrative business model that a lot of people are leveraging to earn dollars in Nigeria. 


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You might be wanting to ask, What is Blogging?

The core meaning of blogging is managing a website with information that is highly valuable  

… A website that frequently produces and publishes content on a certain topic.

It might be news, sports, jobs, technology, agriculture, business, politics, or any other type of information.

You may be familiar with some of these top blogs in Nigeria, like;

Linda Ikeji 

Bella Naija


And other blogs that are making legitimate money online in Nigeria. 

If you start now, you can also start earning like them.


Once it begins expanding and bringing in a lot of visitors, you will have the chance to start earning dollars from your blog through the;


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Read this: 10 Ways to Earn Dollars Blogging in Nigeria 


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Freelancing

Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars



Freelancing is an amazing method to make money online in Nigeria in 2023. 

If you have a skill, you can be able to work remotely for reputable organizations overseas while residing in Nigeria.


The lists of top freelance websites to earn in dollars in Nigeria includes:

Here are freelancing websites for Nigerians in Earn dollars. 


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 with Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023


Industry revenue from affiliate marketing is $12 billion. 

Not only is it expanding quickly, but it is now a sizable industry in Nigeria


Affiliate marketing all revolves on directing clients to products or services that you do not own in exchange for a commission. 

That’s how easy it is.

Below are a list of affiliate networks that make it simpler to make money online in Nigeria

You can sign up as an affiliate and find a variety of products or services to advertise from the platforms below.

And other well-known affiliate networks are a few examples.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 With Copywriter

Copywriting is one of the essential components of successful online marketing in Nigeria 


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You should never ignore copywriting if you want to make money online in Nigeria in 2023


Copywriting is by definition, the art and science of strategically conveying words (spoken or written) that motivate your target audience to do an action that matters to you.

The highest-paid authors in the world right now are all copywriters.

Therefore, why not get in touch with us right away 

And we’ll show you how to produce persuading marketing copy for customers so you can earn dollars as a copywriter even your smartphone.



  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by YouTubing 

How to make money with YouTube in Nigeria


YouTube offers several options with its daily video viewership of over 5 billion.

MTN SME cost in Nigeria



Many hours are spent online viewing videos that entertain, inspire, or educate people. 

You may register a YouTube account with your channel and start a video blogging business. 

See how Youtubers in Nigeria are making earn dollars online monthly. 


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Social Media Marketing

Anyone may start a successful online career in this field. 

It entails assisting companies or brands with social media marketing for their products or services.


It’s possible that you need to learn this talent to succeed at it.

For free, you may watch excellent YouTube tutorials to improve your social media marketing abilities and make money online. 


Have You Read?: 12 Skills to Make Money Online in Nigeria Without Investment 2023


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Creating an eBook

Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars


Do you have excellent writing abilities? 

Are you an excellent storyteller who can amass a sizable following of followers who are willing to pay money for your stories?

Consider publishing ebooks to make money online in Nigeria in 2023


Amazon KDP is an amazing business for writers and even non-writers 

A Lot of Nigerians are making up to $1000 – $4000 every month by publishing short ebooks on Amazon KDP 

See what an 18 years old girl earned by uploading simple books online


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Establishing an Online Store

This is for you if you want to make a lot of money online in 2023

If you can build your brand professionally, operating an online store can be highly profitable 


Here are lists of the top platforms for you to open an online store and sell your products  


Kindly note: These are just a few among over 18 websites for Nigerians to Sell Digital products


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  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Creating Digital Courses 

Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars


Why not develop a course if you are a professional or expert in any subject and feel confident in your ability to influence others?

Make an online course and advertise it to students who require your expertise.


Finally, you may register for a number of sites already listed above to build your course.

One of them is Coursera


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria by Selling your Old Textbooks Online 

You may quickly make money online in Nigeria as a student by trading in your used textbooks for Amazon gift cards

We seldom use our textbook for more than a semester, and it may take up a lot of room.


Once you’ve completed that semester’s coursework successfully and have all the necessary information

You may sell them for Amazon gift cards, which you can use to purchase new textbooks for the next semester.

And that’s is a smart move that you can adopt today to make some good money online in Nigeria


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Selling Stock Images and Videos 

Top Photographers in Nigeria


Are you a photographer, or model or do you have a strong interest in taking pictures?

If so, selling pictures and videos online can be the best option for you


Stock photos and videos are used by bloggers, YouTube channels, news websites, magazines, mainstream media, online stores, and more.

As a result of listing your creatives on stock image websites like Shutterstock

You are compensated for each download of your work


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Editing People’s Videos 

A key component of video networks like YouTube is editing.

The majority of content producers may spend more than two hours filming material and 10 hours editing such films before publishing.


If you have the necessary abilities and expertise, You can edit videos for top companies, YouTubers, game streamers, and many other people and get paid for your services


  1. Make money online in Nigeria in 2023 by Creating Apps

Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars


Today’s popular software developers earn billions of Naira a year. 

Although there are now a lot of amateur programmers in Nigeria, creating important application software in Nigeria is not easy.


A popular software has to be distinctive, interesting, and appealing to everyone. 

TikTok is maybe a nice illustration of a viral app. 

It is one of the most widely used video-sharing apps worldwide.

Make sure to concentrate on an App idea appealing to a younger user demographic if you want to hit it big while developing your greatest app.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 with URL shortening services 

You can begin to earn dollars in Nigeria by using paying URL shortening services like; and Short.est


A URL has to be shortened before being shared on various web platforms.

The more people that visit your site or content and click on your link the better you make money online with this 

Here are highest paying url services 



  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 through Consultations

Make money as a consultant in Nigeria


This is perfect for experts who have received specialized training in a certain field.

If you are a professor, attorney, psychologist, fitness coach, or someone else with the knowledge to assist people in solving difficulties

You may start an online consulting firm, as an Expert in your field 

Additionally, you may promote your services on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and your blog. 


  1. Make money online in Nigeria in 2023 by SEO Consulting

SEO, also known as search engine optimization is highly common and essential for raising exposure to businesses in Nigeria

This is the reason why so many companies in Nigeria are searching for SEO experts

That can assist them in raising their website’s ranking on Google.

If you are an expert in SEO, you can make good money online for your digital services. 


  1. Make money online in Nigeria in 2023 with SEM Solutions

SEM, often known as search engine marketing, is a branch of SEO. 

Here, the focus is mostly on marketing and SEO, in Nigeria 


With Search Engine Marketing also known as Pay-Per-Click, you can work for companies to advertise their products on the internet and generate quality leads  

This is a high-paying job if you’re good at this… 


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Coding 

Make money with coding in Nigeria


You’ll always find work if you know how to code in Nigeria 

There are many coding jobs available, but you need to be skilled at writing computer languages to apply for them.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria by Clicking on Links 

Can you believe you can click on a link, and get paid for it…

Stuffs like this is known as PTC (pay-to-click) work. 

Simply click a link, then wait two to three minutes. Then you’ll be paid for task completion.


  1. Make money online in Nigeria in 2023 by Podcasting 

Passive Income Ideas to Earn Dollars


It’s a great idea to use podcasting if you are an expert in a subject like business or current affairs you may create in-demand voice notes, audiobooks, etc.

Anyone interested in purchasing your podcast videos can do so for money.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Renting an Advert Space on Your Website 

Sell advertising space on your website if it is well-known and has a lot of traffic. 

Anyone who wants to advertise on your website can pay a price.

This is just one among many ways bloggers earn dollars with their website


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria by Writing for Website Owners 

Writing content for website is one of the most high-in-demand digital skills to acquire

You can write material for other well-known websites or blogs if you don’t want to start with your own blog. 


You may discuss the price for each blog post you create with them face-to-face meeting or through freelance platforms

Your writing style needs to be excellent if you want to profit from this. 

Some top websites are prepared to pay you about $200 for each post.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Selling your Music and Videos 

Make Money with music in Nigeria


If you have a lovely voice and can create incredible songs, you can sell your music online. 

Online video sales of adorable animals or young children are also possible.

And this could be the best ideal for you to start a passive income project online in Nigeria. 


  1. Create Your Own Products and Sell Them Online

You may create and market your own goods, such as T-shirts or mugs, Picture Frames, etc using basic tools. 

It is a tremendously successful business idea if you’re really creative 


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Comparative Lending

Large sums of money are not lent by peer-to-peer lending companies, in Nigeria 

Anyone who contributes or invests money has the potential to make a profit.

One site that caters to the demands of all of its users is Sukfin.


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Stock Investing

Equities, currencies, and even mutual funds may all be traded online in Nigeria 

Create an account with a brokerage company, then start trading.


Because it is a very dangerous endeavor.

You must be aware of the stock markets in order to prevent losing money while trading stocks


  1. Make Money Online in Nigeria With Your Webcam

You may record sexy films using a webcam and stream them live. 

Charge money for each session, and even get contributions from your fans by leveraging OnlyFans


  1. Make money online in Nigeria in 2023 by using Q & A Sites 

Correctly responding to questions on message boards and other Q&A sites is another idea to make money online in Nigeria

However, in order to address the issues of users, you have to possess some knowledge related to the topic


There are many sites where you can sign up and give helpful answers and recommendations such as Fun Advice and Quora.

The trick here is to recommend affiliated solutions as well. 




freelancing websites in Nigeria


There are many reasons and some questions you might want to ask on your quest to make money online in Nigeria.. 

Don’t forget you can ask more questions by using the comment section below


How Does a Nigerian Student Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023?

The ability to make money online in Nigeria today is not limited to a particular group of people or age

Students in Nigeria can make money online if they wish to have passive income or multiple streams of income.

Our blog section is filled with decent money online content 


How Can I Make Money Online in Nigeria Quickly?

Making a fortune requires perseverance and effort. 

To make money online you must possess the necessary skills

You will benefit from your efforts for the rest of your life after you’ve managed to set up the system.


How Can I Make Money Online in Nigeria Without Investment?

Who says that making money online in Nigeria without investment is impossible? 

Well, in order to make money online for free, you must have already mastered the best and most in-demand skills in digital marketing.

By the way, there are online platforms that will pay you for completing some micro-tasks


How Can I Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023 by Reading News?

There are paying sites in Nigeria that you can make money from by simply reading the news. 

There is no technical talent necessary, 

All you need to do is register, and start making money.

These sites might even ask you to make a payment upfront 😠 was a great site that pays like N2 per comment, N100 per post sharing, etc 

Well, that’s just time-wasting,, kindly get a better earning opportunity for your smartphone


Can I Make Money with Whatsapp in Nigeria?

Yes, there are a lot of Nigerians making thousands of naira with their Whatsapp 

Whatsapp Marketing is great for affiliate marketers with selling experience 

You can utilize WhatsApp features like Whatsapp status, Whatsapp groups, and broadcast list if you have a high number of contacts on your list


How Can I Consistently Make Money Online in Nigeria in 2023?

The majority of freelance websites let you make money every day but payment is only made at the end of the month. 


Google Adsense is one of these platforms that payout at the end of the month.

Additionally, the Nigeria affiliate programs like Expertnaire, Digistem, and StakeCut pay weekly which is relative to a consistent earning 


How Can a Teenager Make Money Online in 2023?

You can use your mobile phone and an internet connection as a teenager in Nigeria

Today, there are no age restrictions on making money online in Nigeria.


How Can a Girl Make Money Online in 2023?

The aforementioned passive income opportunities in Nigeria are open to both genders. 

The methods outlined above are the best options if you’re looking for ways for girls to earn additional money online in Nigeria.


How to Make Money through Online Video Watching?

On the other hand, watching videos can help you make money online in Nigeria. 

There are sites where you may get paid to view videos.


How can I Make Money in Dollars in Nigeria Right Now?

Earning dollars is the best ways to become financially solid right now in Nigeria 

Go here to see various ways to earn dollars in Nigeria 


How Can I Earn Dollars in Nigeria with my Smartphone?

Make money with Smartphone in Nigeria

With your smartphone, you can earn lucratively in dollars 

We listed major business that will make you a millionaire in few months with your smartphone



How To Make Money Online in 2023 – CONCLUSION 

Now you know there are various online jobs available for you 

Therefore, Making money online in Nigeria should seem enjoyable rather than difficult.


Our list of legitimate methods to make money online in Nigeria should provide you with a ton of ideas and venues to get started. 

It will require some effort and perseverance. 

But it’ll be well worth it in the end when you find yourself on the road to financial independence in a very short period.


You may also share this post with your friends that may require some money-making ideas or paying sites in Nigeria to make money online.

Don’t forget to ask your questions in the comment sections below

We’ll be waiting right there


Thanks for reading.. 

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