You are currently viewing 12 Top Ways To Earn Dollars in Nigeria ($1000 per week) 

12 Top Ways To Earn Dollars in Nigeria ($1000 per week) 


How to earn dollars in Nigeria, Best ways to earn dollars in Nigeria, How to Make dollars online in Nigeria, How to work in Nigeria and get paid in dollars, and more…

These are ever-increasing searches done by Nigerians on search engine

This means only one thing, which is….


A lot of Nigerians desire to earn in dollars and spend in naira

You can’t blame anyone for that! 


The strong dollar-to-naira exchange rate means that a few dollars could greatly raise your standard of living in Nigeria.

However, earning good money in dollars living in Nigeria can be challenging

You need to have good knowledge of what to do and how it is done! 


Do you want to learn how to earn dollars in Nigeria?

This article will go over the benefits of making money in US dollars as well as the best ways to do it in Nigeria.



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As you work toward financial success, we hope that the information we have provided will be helpful to you.


The United States Dollar (USD), which is recognized in many countries, is the most commonly used currency in the world.

If you work for dollars, you can be sure that your profits will have an impact on the entire world.

Additionally, because the dollar is a trustworthy currency, you can be confident that your earnings won’t be highly affected by the inflation in Nigeria


In reality, there are many reasons why you might want to work and earn dollars in Nigeria.

It’s possible that you want to send money to family members who live in the US.

Or perhaps you need to put some money down in order to travel to top countries like the United States.

Whatever the situation, this article can help to give you a head start. 


The following is a list of the greatest methods to earn dollars while living in Nigeria:



Earn dollars in Nigeria

One of the best ways to earn US dollars or other foreign currencies is by working remotely or as a freelancer.

You could find freelance positions as a writer, graphic designer, or data analyst through a freelancing platform.

Additionally, you may apply for full-time remote jobs and work while earning dollars from the comfort of your home in Nigeria.

A writer, graphic designer, or data analyst may obtain freelance employment via freelancing networks and portals.


Let’s talk about freelance websites in Nigeria to earn dollars




You may look for and apply for a range of freelance jobs on the website

At Upwork, you may find a vast range of jobs, such as:

Content Writing, 

Data entry, 

Social media manager, 

Technical writing,


Website design,

Graphic design, 

Business plan writing, 


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Business planning,


Consulting and numerous others.


Earn dollars in Nigeria

Regardless of where you live in Nigeria, the US, India, South Africa, or any other country – you can make good money in dollars at Upwork


Receiving payment on Upwork is easy and safe.

Before you begin a task for which a customer has hired you, 

Upwork will make sure that the consumer has placed the exact money owing to you in their escrow.

And after a goal or milestone has been reached… You ask for a payment, the client acknowledges that the assignment has been completed, and YOU GET PAID.

If you need guidance on how to be successful on Upwork, check out this link.


You Can EARN ₦6500 DAILY on THIS Website




Nigerians with one or two digital skills can be able to earn dollars on Fiverr similarly to how they do on Upwork.

Fiverr is without a doubt one of the most reputable and well-established online earning sources.

It is the best marketplace for services with pricing starting from $5. 


The platform’s goal is to increase service accessibility and affordability for all users.

It’s advantageous to generate a good side income.

Among the services covered are typing,

  • Logo design,
  • Building of links
  • Creation of videos
  • Website design
  • Graphic design,
  • Translation,
  • SEO services
  • Writing content, among other services.


Making money on Fiverr is easy…

Register on the website, then advertise your services under “Fiverr Gigs.”

Payments are made through a PayPal account that receives foreign currencies into your local bank account. 


IMPORTANT: You can earn $500 Per week as a freelancer even with no digital skills,, click here to see this




Knowing many languages makes you more precious than gold in today’s digital space since you have the exact skills that companies are looking for.

… and it is one of the finest ways to end your search for ways to earn in dollars in Nigeria.


Finding a fantastic remote work or freelancing task is straightforward if you speak a language other than English.

Your native tongue is crucial in this situation since other people rely on you to provide specific translations.


Read This: 11 Perfect Freelancing Skills in Nigeria to Earn $500 Weekly


Excuse me, let me digress for a minute!

Do you know earning $1 - $3 daily and consistently can go a long way to boost your income goals, especially for the fact that all you'll ever need is your smartphone..

This is the easiest dollar earning trick you'll ever find in Nigeria.

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More and more people are finding work as online transcribers.

Nigerians with strong listening and typing skills may work from home while making money by applying for online transcription jobs.


The typical annual salary for an American online transcriber is above $58,816, according to data from Zip Recruiter.

As a result, detail-oriented Africans who can write well and listen well may find success in their careers.


According to Financial Wolves, each hour spent working on platforms for independent freelancers might earn between $15 and $25.



MTN SME cost in Nigeria


Nowadays, becoming a copywriter in Nigeria is a lucrative business because you can earn a lot of dollars from it.

Copywriting is becoming an essential part of marketing.


The hundreds of dollars that business organizations spend each month on marketing do not exclude copywriting.

To put it another way, copywriters provide the language used to advertise products and/or services. 

This includes things such as:

  • Sales pages
  • Email funnels
  • Landing pages
  • Blog posts/articles
  • Social media posts 
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Advertisements (both print and digital)
  • Video scripts etc. 


Despite their title, copywriters are more than just writers.

They work as behavioral psychologists, authors, and salespeople at the same time.

Developing your copywriting skills can help you grow your finance.

You may make a reasonable income by using your imagination and working in a flexible atmosphere.


To be a great copywriter, you need to learn to master its elements… 

– You can Work as a staff copywriter at an agency

– Work as a copywriter for an in-house marketing team

– Become a freelance copywriter


Top Nigerian copywriters earn between $2000 – $5000 per month.

People like Walter Enyinnaya,, make more than $6000 monthly..


You will earn dollars in Nigeria by picking up new skills and selling your skills online to people in other nations who are in need of them.


If you’re a Nigerian and you play your cards well, you might be able to increase your wealth without ever leaving the country.

Here are more ways to earn dollars freelancing in Nigeria


DONT MISS: 16 NEW Passive income ideas in Nigeria to BLOW This Year



Earn dollars in Nigeria

If you’re looking for methods to make money in dollars right now, you might want to consider starting a blog.

For writers and business owners with an online presence, blogging is helpful as one of the most popular and effective eCommerce marketing strategies.

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There are several methods to start a blog and sell advertising space.


One method is to start a blog on a website like Blogger or WordPress.


For your blog, these websites provide hosting, themes, and ad management options.

Another way to create a blog is to spend money on your own domain name and hosting.

This will provide you more control over your website, even if you’ll have to put up the advertising yourself.


A social networking site like Facebook or Twitter may also be used to create a blog.

These social platforms, which do not provide hosting or themes, just make it simple to share your content with others.


No matter the strategy you choose, there are a few things you need to complete before you can start selling ad space on your website.

As a first step, develop a policy for advertising.

This policy should specify how advertisements will be shown, the ad types that are acceptable, and how often ads will be modified.


The next step is to create an advertising bundle.

Details about your website, including viewership figures and demographic information, as well as information on the advertisers you have worked with, should be included in this package.

Include information about pricing as well as a copy of your advertising policy.


Another greater blog monetization tactic is to reach out to potential advertisers.

Send them copies of your policy and media kit, and describe the benefits of advertising in your blog.


Make sure to get in touch with them again once they’ve had a chance to review the information so that you can work together to create advertising that meets both their needs and your guidelines.


You may also submit a Google AdSense application for your blog.

To apply for Google Adsense, you must already have a Google account.


Once you have a Google account, you may apply for Adsense to start earning dollars from your website in Nigeria


In order to apply for Adsense, you must provide certain information about your websites, such as the URL and the language used to create it.

Additionally, you will be required to provide some personal information, such as your name and contact information.

After you submit your application, Google will review it.

Your application will be approved if your website meets the requirements to join the Adsense program, at which point you may start serving ads on your website to earn in dollars.

Here are more ways to earn dollars blogging in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Another approach to get money is to enroll in an affiliate marketing network.


A company rewards its affiliates for each customer they bring in via affiliate marketing.

The affiliate might be a person or company that promotes the products or services of the brand.

When a customer clicks on the affiliate’s link and makes a purchase, the company then pays the affiliate a commission.


Top-tier businesses will pay you a good commission in dollars when you help them promote their products and services through affiliate marketing.


These companies only have one goal in mind when it comes to marketing: acquiring as many new clients as they can.

Therefore, to achieve this, they need a sizable army of affiliates.

You may take part in an army if you join an affiliate network and promote it.


If you want to become an associate of a company that sells products in dollars, you must sign up for their affiliate program.

You’ll receive a unique URL after registration to use when promoting the company’s products.

If a buyer clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you will be paid a commission.

That’s just it… 

Here are more ways to earn dollars as an affiliate in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Another way to earn dollars in Nigeria is through a YouTube channel.


500 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

With more than 1.9 billion active monthly users, YouTube is the second most popular social network after Facebook, which has over 2.27 billion monthly active users.


YouTube continues to be a crucial tool for Africans looking to make money in dollars. 

It may also be a very lucrative business venture if used appropriately.


Starting a YouTube channel is as easy as ABC.

To start making money on YouTube, you have to monetize your YouTube channel 

Here are more ways to earn dollars as a YouTuber in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

On this list, teachers are not underrepresented.


The assertion that being a teacher in Nigeria is among the worst jobs a person may select is no longer an argument.

This is a result of their Little (Peanuts) Salary, which they receive each month for teaching students in a school.

But if you’re a teacher reading this right now, congratulations!


Do you understand that instructing the identical subjects online as you have done offline might increase your income?

Do you know that you can make extra money teaching online the same things you have been teaching offline, 

The internet has made things that seem impossible a few years ago into simple things you can do with your smartphone 


All you need to earn dollars in Nigeria by teaching is:

– Own An Online School/Channel/Website/Membership 

– Create & Sell E-Materials; Ebooks, Worksheets, Audio Class Lessons, Video Tutorial.

– Get Paid Promoting Other People’s Products.

– Organize Private or Exclusive Membership Programs, etc.


Great video hosting services,, Tiktok, Vimeo, Instagram reels, and YouTube are all excellent choices for your lessons.


When students pay or subscribe to get access to your valuables, you stand to earn in dollars in Nigeria as a teacher.

More on this below… but then do you have these skills to make money online in Nigeria as a student?


READ: More ways to earn dollars as a virtual trainer in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

This is done by creating online courses and collect payment in dollars or to people in the United States


Creating an online course and selling it to clients in the US is possible.

Several things are required of you.

Prior to anything else, choose what the course will cover.

You must create a curriculum and a course plan after selecting the content.

Producing marketing materials, such as a course description and price information, is the next stage.


The next step is to start selling your courses and build up a method for accepting payments.


To start your online course, please adhere to these simple instructions:

  1. Choose a topic for your course. 
  1. Create a course outline. 
  1. Record your lectures or create video content. 
  1. Upload your content to a learning management system (LMS). 
  1. Market your course to potential learners…


You may sell your online course on a number of websites.


There are several well-known online learning environments, including Teachable, Coursera, and Udemy.

On these websites, you may create a course that you can then offer to students all over the world.

They also provide you with tools for marketing and selling your course.



There are many websites or platforms to publish your digital valuables and receive payment in dollars 

Let’s discuss just a few of them… 


AMAZON: Both consumers and businesses use Amazon, the largest and most well-known online marketplace.

Simply said, Amazon is a multi-vendor business that enables individuals and groups to list and promote their products for sale.


Every month, more than 300 million people use Amazon…

You can easily sell your digital items to their audience, and Amazon will make you earn in dollars each month.

Learn how to start earning dollars from Amazon in Nigeria by clicking here.


SCRIBD: Scribd is slightly different from Amazon in such a way that readers subscribe to read premium books, while the book writers get paid… 

It’s as simple as that…


ETSY: If you are interested in selling your handmade crafts or goods online to buyers in the United States, there are a few things you need to know.

You must first create an online store or business.


There are several sites you may utilize for this, including Shopify and eBay, A well-known platform for this is Etsy.

Next is to create product descriptions and take product photographs.


Pay close attention to how you emphasize the distinctive qualities of your products and why someone should buy them.

Finally, you must set prices that are reasonable and competitive.

To find the pricing that works best for you, you might want to experiment.


SELAR: Selar is a potent e-commerce shop builder for producers to sell any kind of digital commodity or service.

They are also making it possible for Africans to commercialize their skills and earn money via the sale of digital goods.

In the past, Africans had trouble with this…


Selar is an e-commerce platform created specifically for Africans, like the other platforms mentioned above.

Selar aims to provide every Nigerian the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge both at home and abroad.

By visiting and creating a free account, you may sell your digital products and services and get paid in dollars.

Here is where to use


Here are more ways to earn dollars selling digital products in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Nigeria is currently the top African country for cryptocurrency trading as more young people there are using it as a means of making online.

With just N1000, you can begin buying and selling cryptocurrencies.


Young people are not the only ones using cryptocurrencies to make money online in Nigeria; single parents and senior citizens have also begun doing so.

You can make money with cryptocurrencies by buying them at a discount from one exchange and selling them at a higher price at another that also accepts cryptocurrencies.


Another name for this is “Crypto Arbitrage Business.


To learn how to trade cryptocurrencies and earn a ton of cash every day, you don’t need any prior experience.


Here are more ways to earn dollars with cryptocurrency in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

There are a lot of Platforms that will pay you in dollars when you complete some task (micro-jobs) online


For example:


Many Nigerians are earning dollars online without any experience by doing surveys on products, websites, and other topics.


Many companies in the United States can pay you for online surveys that will help them improve their goods.

You can earn money just by giving your frank opinion.


The best part is that you may work for many different survey websites and earn money in different ways.

In order to earn more dollars, you can also be asked to watch movies, follow them on social media, or read emails.

It’s as simple as that…


This is a goldmine for Nigerians looking for an easy method to earn dollars online by doing things they already do on a daily basis.



CrowdFlower is a website where you may quickly complete tasks for payment, such as transcription of small audio recordings or object recognition in photos.


To begin earning money, register for an account on one of these websites that offer microtasks, then browse the available tasks.

Before completing an assignment, thoroughly read the instructions before following the guidelines to submit your finished work.


If you want to receive accolades and open up more career opportunities, make sure to deliver top-notch work.

There are a lot of websites, platforms, and apps, that publish tasks that pays in dollars in Nigeria

Check out legit websites and apps that pay in dollars in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

The term CPA stands for Cost Per Action

It’s also called Pay Per Lead, in short – PPL. 

Whatever you wanna call it, just know that CPA marketing is relatively easier than selling products as an affiliate marketer


Sometimes it is called CPA Affiliate marketing because it is a cousin to the famous affiliate marketing we know 

But then, The main idea behind CPA affiliate marketing is getting paid for a particular action taken through your link.


This action can be submitting an Email, filling up a form, starting a free trial, downloading an app, submitting a pin code, submitting a mobile number, and maybe even getting a sale.


Since people are more likely to perform tasks for free than spend their earned money. 

This makes earning dollars with CPA Marketing easier compared to Affiliate marketing.


In the case of affiliate marketing, you must make sales to profit. 

On the other hand, you don’t have to make a sale before you profit from CPA marketing..

You may earn between $0.50 and $20 for every CPA offer as a novice.

Some high-end CPA offerings, however, pay $750 or even more for a specific action that your invitees take.

Isn’t that incredible?


In any case,

Here are more ways to earn dollars with CPA Marketing in Nigeria



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Nigeria’s export industry is highly profitable.

This is so because the business’s potential profit is made available in hard currencies (dollars, pounds, or euros).


There are over 70+ products one can export from Nigeria and make massive money in dollars. 

The problem here is that you must use the right information 


You can’t go into the exportation business idea in Nigeria without good guidance and counseling, you might lose money.

Ginger, cocoa butter, rubber, palm kernel oil, textiles and clothing, gallstones, sesame seeds, garlic, yam tubers, charcoal, cotton, cassava flour, cashew nuts, honey, shrimps, snails, chili peppers, fruit juice, poultry, cosmetics and soap, and wigs and hair extensions are among the products you can export from Nigeria.


There is no cap on the amount of money you can make by exporting from Nigeria to other nations… But first, 

Always keep in mind that you must understand the nitty-gritty of going into such a business.

Additionally, apart from the items mentioned above, there are many other things you may export.


It is crucial to comprehend the laws and policies governing the export of these goods to other nations.


Visit this page if you want more resources on the Exportation business in Nigeria 



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Diversification is a key financial strategy for boosting wealth and reaching your financial goals.

You may do this by making investments in the global market and purchasing shares in businesses with operations overseas, particularly in the US.


As a shareholder, foreign investments can help to protect your portfolio from a range of risks.


There are several advantages to investing in US assets,

There are also many companies ranking online when you search for stock investment, 

But currently, I don’t have my money invested with any of them,, so I have no company to recommend for investment sake

Instead, I prefer to invest money in growing my businesses and saving money in USD or USDT

This will lead us to the last recommended method on how to earn more dollars in Nigeria 

I call this a method to “make money in Nigeria without lifting a finger”


Have You Read?: 12 Skills to Make Money Online in Nigeria Without Investment 2023


The consistent economic devaluation of the naira is directly proportional to the reason why the value of dollars and other foreign currencies is increasing consistently


So, If you had $100 by January 2022, you can exchange it to get N40,000 in Nigeria 

Had you saved that $100 and decided to withdraw it by December 2022

You will discover that you can now exchange the $100 to receive N85,000+


Right now, if you decide to take your initial saving capital of 40k… you still have another 45k that will yield you extra profit in a few months’ time! 

No be juju be that? 🥺

So let me show you how to make more money by saving in dollars in Nigeria.


You will love this: 2 Solid Dollar Investment Platforms in Nigeria You Can Trust



Earn dollars in Nigeria

Nigeria’s major economic issues have caused the naira to constantly experience more severe depreciation than modest variations.


Due to this ongoing devaluation, it is frustrating to save money in naira.

Because despite your best efforts, you could have to watch the worth of your “savings” deplete without ever using them.


Therefore, it’s understandable for you to seek ways to save dollars in Nigeria.


The US dollar is a widely recognized legal tender in the world…

So, it is a smart idea to keep the value of your profits in US dollars because it is unlikely that the naira will level up any time soon.


Dollar savings are possible with a domestic account with a Nigerian bank.

However, the amount of paperwork required to open this account and the expense of maintenance may be too much for you to handle.

As a result, using fintech applications is an option that might enable you to reduce your expenses in Nigeria.

Binance, PiggyVest, CowryWise, and other reputable fintech tools may let Nigerians save money in dollars.


Here are the best ways to save dollars in Nigeria



Earning money in dollars can be challenging, whether you do it offline or online.

It demands a lot of concentration and effort.


If you’re living in Nigeria, the internet has made it possible for you to legitimately earn dollars in Nigeria.

Remember that your earnings will depend on the quality of your job.


Given the high #850 – #900 naira to dollar exchange rate (black market rate),

Living in Nigeria and earning money in dollars makes it possible to live well despite the challenging economic circumstances.

Though there are more ways to earn dollars in Nigeria,, this post reveals just top 10 best ways

Not to worry, we will keep publishing more ways to Start Earning Dollars in Nigeria

Make sure to subscribe to our email newsletter or follow latest updates on Whatsapp


Oh, I almost forgot,, do you know that there are businesses that can pay you $2000 to $5000 per month with Your Smartphone 

Okay! Today is your lucky day, check them out here… 


Ani David


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