You are currently viewing 12 Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria (Earn in Dollars)

12 Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria (Earn in Dollars)


Trying to find the top Digital products to sell in Nigeria?

You are on the proper site reading the best article for your queries 

Read on to discover all you need to know if you want to launch your own online store selling digital products in Nigeria and start earning in dollars 


Compared to physical items, digital products often have substantially better profit margins

You will find the most lucrative digital products to sell online in Nigeria in this article, along with information on how to start selling each one. 


We will also unveil the following…


By the way, let’s start with knowing what digital products are!


What Exactly Are Digital Products?

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria


Digital products are immaterial items that may be electronically saved and sellable online 


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They often come in the form of media files and downloadable material like:

  • Ebooks, 
  • PDFs, 
  • Audio,
  • Video files, and
  • Templates, e.t.c


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Digital products come in a wide variety of forms that anyone can purchase from any part of the world


Let’s look at the type of digital products to sell online in Nigeria to start earning in dollars, 

Along with illustrations of prosperous sellers in that market, to help you focus your selections.


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria – EBOOKS (audiobooks)

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria

Selling ebooks as a Digital creator in Nigeria will provide a sizable profit in dollars 


Ebooks are among the most popular information goods in Nigeria that people enjoy purchasing 

By selling ebooks you can begin to be a dollar earner in Nigeria 


The ebook market has expanded significantly over the past three years in Nigeria, as seen by the increase of 170 million to 12 million ebook volumes sold from 2019 to 2022 alone. 

By the way, if you’re having trouble writing a well-selling ebook material that can be sold in Nigeria

Don’t worry… 

You just have to write what you are familiar with… 


There are a variety of unexpectedly lucrative ebook niches in Nigeria, particularly in the non-fiction and instructional categories

To reach an even bigger audience of casual listeners in Nigeria, you might even make your works available as audiobooks. 


You may also write and sell shorter materials like: 

How-to manuals, 

Food plans, 

Fitness programs, 


And other papers if you don’t have time to produce a whole ebook.


  1. Digital products to sell in Nigeria – ONLINE COURSES

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Creating and selling an online course and educational materials is another fantastic option to earn dollars in Nigeria with your skills. 


Do you have a particular area of expertise you wish to start making money from? 

Do you possess any talents that you believe might be useful to others in every part of the world? 

If so, you may create an online course for those abilities and knowledge you have 

And that would be a fantastic ideal for you to make money in dollars when students get enrolled to your courses


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria – DIGITAL ART 

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria

Do you consider yourself to be an artist or a designer in Nigeria seeking to become a dollar earner? 


Digital art has a huge market, so make the most of your abilities and convert your artistic skills into a means of earning dollars in Nigeria.

For instance, new brands in Nigeria usually want competent designers to create unique logos for their brands.



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While there are online logo designers in Nigeria that offer small businesses a cost-effective choice, they fall short of what a talented digital artist can produce. 

Other art-related digital products that are popular in Nigeria include: 

Brand kits, 




Banners, and

3D artwork. 


Stock icons (vector pictures) are another type of product in Nigeria 

The current need for brushes, gradients, and palettes for programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Procreate makes this a sector worth investigating in Nigeria 


NFTs are currently a prominent issue in Nigeria as well, particularly in the field of digital art. 

If you already sell and earn dollars from digital art in Nigeria, you could think about expanding into NFTs. 

See this if you want to learn how to make money with cryptocurrency


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria – MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 

This is another excellent idea of digital products to sell online in Nigeria and start earning in dollars 


Launch a members-only website and offer subscription goods, especially if you already have a sizable following as an influencer.


It is possible to create a profitable subscription business in Nigeria without having an existing audience

Your subscription packages may include access to a private social network as well as weekly or monthly material like meal plans or publications.


  1. Digital Products to Sell Online in Nigeria – VIDEO MATERIAL 

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria


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Nowadays, consumers crave video content and are prepared to pay for it in Nigeria. 

You may produce your own amusing or instructional video material and sell it online in dollars, if you consider yourself to be an expert in your field.


Here are some video materials that you can Sell online;

Educational video material, 

Exclusive vlogs, 

Trip documentaries, 

Comedy videos, 

Short films, and 

Gaming videos etc. 


MTN SME cost in Nigeria


These and more are examples of the kinds of video content that you can sell successfully in Nigeria to get well paid. 


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria – PRINTABLE & PATTERNS 

When you can check out websites like Etsy

There are millions of crafty shoppers seeking for patterns and printables to support their DIY projects 


As a Nigerian product creator, you can also market your printables to shoppers and earn from Etsy 

Products can include;

Workbooks and

Coloring pages 


Crocheting, and 

Macrame designs etc 


Visit Etsy to discover printable products you can create..


  1. Digital Products to Sell Online in Nigeria – TEMPLATES 

Another group of digital products that you can sell to earn dollars online in Nigeria is templates


Even if you don’t have a lot of design experience, creating resume templates is really simple.

However, templates aren’t only for CVs and resume, but also for;


Social media posts, 

PowerPoint presentations, 

Twitch overlays, 

Business cards, 

– Adobe Photoshop etc. 


You can make these templates once and sell them over and over again to earn passively 


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria –  PHOTOGRAPHY

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria

If you enjoy taking pictures, you can also start earning dollars from your passion by selling your images online in Nigeria 

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The desire for high-quality and unique pictures on the internet never goes away


Selling client-commissioned images in Nigeria, event photography services (think weddings, birthdays, etc.), and portraits will make you more successful.


Whatever path you choose, having a strong photographic portfolio that highlights your greatest work is essential.

This will make you more distinctive from other people selling images in Nigeria, and you can make more money. 


  1. Digital Products To Sell In Nigeria –  PICTURE SETTINGS 

Selling picture settings like Lightroom presets is another option for photographers in Nigeria to earn well online


Presets for Lightroom are essentially filters that give your photographs a certain tone and vibe. 

Customers may download them, install them, and then apply them to their images using Lightroom software.


There’s a significant probability that some of your followers may want to know your secret and be willing to pay for your presets in order to get the same effect

And by doing so you stand out being a successful dollar-earning photographer in Nigeria 


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria –  MUSIC 

Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria

If you’re a gifted Nigerian musician, you might want to consider earning in dollars by selling music and anything associated with music.


Selling licenses is the most simple illustration of doing this in Nigeria 

There are countless producers, YouTubers, and filmmakers in Nigeria who need unique music and sound effects for their projects. 


You may charge these organizations and people in dollars for a license that gives them the freedom to use your music without violating any copyrights.

If you have a fan base, you could even sell entire albums or individual song downloads via your website store or on streaming platforms.


Selling sheet music, music-related information items like online drum or guitar courses, or even sound banks, can be another another option for you. 


  1. Digital products to sell online in Nigeria –  Fonts

Do you know that one of the finest digital products to sell online and make money in dollars in Nigeria is with fonts.

Brands, designers, and independent artists are continuously searching for new typefaces to employ in their branding and artwork since design trends and customer preferences are constantly shifting


Using programs like Illustrator, you may design your own typefaces, which you can then sell on your own website or on online stores  


  1. Digital Products to Sell in Nigeria –  SOFTWARE 

Without discussing software, our list of digital products to sell online in Nigeria would be incomplete.


One of the most lucrative business concepts is to sell in Nigeria is SaaS (software as a service) items online.

Software sales, however, are more difficult than those of some of the other digital products on this list. 

You must identify a market need, invest time and resources, then create a software solution to fill that need.



The next step is to set up your internet store once you’ve decided on the digital products you want to sell online in Nigeria 

You require an e-commerce platform for this.


There are several eCommerce platforms designed specifically for selling digital products examples are Sellfy, SelarPaystack, Expertnaire, etc.

But is one of the best platforms you should start as a Nigeria who wants to sell digital products and receive payment in dollars  


Beginners, small enterprises, and solopreneurs in Nigeria who wish to sell digital products online will find it to be one of the easiest digital platforms to use.



websites for Nigerians to Sell Digital products

Visit and create your account on, then proceed with this guide to create a Selar store 


You can check out Selar plans and start with the features you need. 

Make sure to enter your correct details while creating your Selar store

After that, a questionnaire regarding the kind of store you’re opening will be presented to you. 


Create your store 

Go to Digital Products in the sidebar to add any products you want to sell. 

Then you can just drag and drop the digital products into the corresponding box or use your computer’s Browse button to add them.


Important product details like a product name, description, preview, and price can also be added to this page. 

Your items will be prepared for sale as soon as you click Save product and confirm that the Visible on the shop page toggle is turned on.

You can set up payment options in Nigeria by integrating your store once you are satisfied with the way your website looks 


Other crucial settings for your website, like your email preferences and product categories, can be made in the store settings section.

You may also sell tangible goods, print-on-demand merchandise, video streaming, and memberships with Selar. 


Selar can also be used to offer courses as direct downloads, but it does not yet come with a learning management system.



It is not sufficient to have fantastic digital products and a fantastic online store in Nigeria 

Because you won’t make money if no one ever visits your store or is aware that your products even exist 


Your digital products can be marketed in a variety of ways. 

Here is a summary of the tactics we believe to be the most worthwhile for you  to try in selling your digital products


  • Budget for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The goal of SEO is to make your digital product website pages rank high on search engines like Google

This is so that they appear in the search results whenever potential customers look for target keywords associated with your specialty. 

The benefit of SEO is that it generates organic rather than bought traffic, allowing you to stop spending money on advertisements in order to see results.

Get started by hiring a website designer in Nigeria. 


  • Start a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign

PPC advertisements require you to start an advertising campaign in Nigeria (through a platform like Google Ads or Facebook Ads), 

You will be able to bid on ad positions and pay every time someone clicks on your ad and visits your landing or sales pages made for digital products. 


PPC advertising will produce a faster and high ROI if your targeting choices are effective and you successfully convert a significant portion of those clicks into sales


  • Use social media to market your items.

A potent marketing avenue in Nigeria is social media. 

Determine which social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc will be best for you 


To increase your reach, you could even want to think about collaborating with social media influencers that have a sizable fan base of customers from your target market for influencer campaigns.


  • Start a campaign of giveaways

A contest or giveaway on social media may be a successful social media marketing tactic in Nigeria.  

The idea is to give away entries in exchange for actions like sharing your post or liking your company’s social media page. 

The winner should receive some sort of free prize, like a free subscription or product giveaway

By then your digital products have gone viral with good sales pouring in


  • Use email marketing as a tool

Using email marketing software, you can create automated email campaigns in Nigeria that nurture your subscribers with information, offers, and discounts until they are ready to make a purchase. 

To decrease cart abandonment and increase sales, you always need to follow up on your leads and this you can do with a great email marketing software 


Sign up on this FREE email marketing platform, then search use this guide to see how to set up email campaigns for free 


  • Place your stuff on internet shopping websites

In order to reach as many potential customers as possible in Nigeria, it makes sense to list your digital products on as many marketplaces as you can. 


Here are top Websites for Nigerians to sell Digital products and earn dollars


Digital Products to Sell Online in Nigeria – F.A.Q

Earn dollars in Nigeria

Here is some information on frequently asked questions about the subject.


Is it lucrative to offer digital products online in Nigeria?

Yes, selling digital products online in Nigeria can be very profitable.

Additionally, there aren’t as many overhead expenses and costs involved with selling physical products.


Selling digital products online can be a highly successful endeavor, provided you make the appropriate product selections and advertise your offerings effectively.


Is it possible to sell digital products on Facebook in Nigeria?

Absolutely, you can sell digital products in Nigeria on Facebook Marketplace

However, using Facebook Ads and social media can be a better way to market your digital products in Nigeria 


Is it possible to sell digital products on Instagram in Nigeria?

Despite having some buying options, Instagram isn’t primarily designed for the sale of digital products. 

It works better for marketing tangible products

However, Instagram can be a fantastic tool for promoting your products and driving customers to your online business in Nigeria 



You now have all the information you require to sell digital products online right  here in Nigeria 

It’s now much simpler to sell digital products online in Nigeria, thanks to e-commerce tools like Sellfy, Selar, Paystack, and a lot more 

They are a very easy and efficient methods of making money online in Nigeria 


Did you discover a unique concept for selling your digital products online? 

Let us know in the comment section below


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